Star Wars - 6 DVD Set, DVD, Unknown country, 2005

Once all the Star Wars movies were officially available on DVD, the bootleggers switched tactics. Instead of simply getting the movies out there, they actually had to beat the legit releases on added content. As soon as Episode III was released, complete sets of all six movies started to appear out of Asia, often with attractive packaging like the one here.

This set consists of an attractive slipcase housing a 6-disc DVD case. The discs are rips of the official US DVDs. This set even contains a 49x36cm fold-out poster. Once again, the bootleggers have made an effort to pass this set off as an official release. The typos give them away, however. "Digitally mastered for supkerior sound and fioturk quality!? "20th Cenyury Fox Home Entretainment"?